I am
Melanie Schmidt and I was born on 24th September 1990 in Brühl near Cologne.I did a vocational training as a Foreign Language Assistant in Trade and as a Translator at the Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherschule Köln des RBZ Köln ["Translator & Interpreter School of Cologne at the RBZ Cologne" (dolmetscherschule-koeln.de)] and I am working as a Writer since 1999.
Now I am working as a (freelance) translator, mainly for literature, but also for smaller inquiries.
I became a translator for I love writing since I was 9 years old and ever since I was fascinated by the English language. So this passion developed more and more.
My previous publications:
- 2003-2008 + 2013: Poetries in the anthology of the Brentano Gesellschaft der Frankfurter Bibliothek für das zeitgenössische Gedicht.
- 2010: First book "Durch die Finsternis", Asaro Verlag [German]
- 2011: Second book "Arkanum - Geheimnis der Nacht", Asaro Verlag [German]
- since 2013 actively: various ebooks in German at neobooks.com [neobooks selfpublishing]
- 2014: Third book "Glühendes Eis", United p.c. Verlag [German]
- 2015: short story of mine in TEENS BAND, Gerth Medien Verlag [German]
more you will find at https://melanieschmidtofficial.de.tl
My previous translations:
- "SHATTERED LOVE: A MEMOIR" by Richard Chamberlain, 2003, Harper Collings Reagan Books. I translated it into German with the title "ZERSCHMETTERTE LIEBE: EINE LEBENSERINNERUNG" and I am in search of a publishing company with that for a takeover of the rights and a publication.
- "ELIZA" by Barry Pain (released in 2015)