

I offer a high quality that is actually demanding its time but instead there comes out a first rate and flawless and fluently translated text. High Quality Service.


I charge approx. between 0.10€ and 0.16€ per word, respectively it is charged altogether with the whole text. The below shown price calculation can vary sharply according to the form, length, type and also degree of difficulty of the text!

Below 200 words: between 50€ and 100€
Between 200 and 500 words: 100€ - 250€
Between 500 and 1000 words: 250€ - 500€
Between 1000 and 2000 words: 500€ - 1000€
Between 2000 and 4000 words: 1000€ - 2000€
Between 5000 and 8000 words: 2500€ - 4000€
From 10,000 words upwards: minimum 5000€ and maximum 10,000€

Previous sight of the text and the general scope, however, will be taken into consideration. If there is, for instance, a book of 50,000 words in it, but it only contains 130 pages I must take a different calculation that actually takes the source language and the target language and the degree of difficulty as well as words and scope for the whole work in consideration, where then, for example, 50,000€ etc were a too high price.

Approach me about this and we will negotiate an appropriate price, which will meet your text individually.

Info: I do NOT charge any Value Added Tax (VAT) due to being turnover tax-exempt under §19 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 UStG [German Clause: Value Added Tax Act]


15€ to 21.50€ per standard page plus 2.5% of the netto shop price.

+++ Please note that I ONLY accept Euros (€) for currency and nothing else! The customer (if he/she has a different currency) has to take responsibility for transferring the payment to me so that I receive it in Euros! +++


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