
Proofreading ~Editing

If you require to have one or more German texts proofread/edited by me here you will find appropriate information.

My service:
- Editing of German texts according the new German Spelling Reform, comma rules, use of cas sensitive, grammar, sentence construction, etc ...

My prices:
- Balancing between the length and degree of difficulty and what all must be proofread/edited
- If nothing must be corrected and everything of the text is right as it is only very low costs incurred up to 5€.
- Between 10€ and 30€ for Proofreading and between 25€ and 50€ for Editing.

In this case you have at any rate chosen the most economical variant of editing/proofreading, because other editors are demanding up to 200€ for their services.
But due to this is only my sub-offer my prices are in realms that can afford much more people and which ensures nevertheless a high quality.
Try it out and put your texts into my professional and economical hands!
For being also a writer myself I know for sure how a text must be "going smoothly" to sound fluently for the reader.


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